Alcohol / Excise Specialists

Free from UK landline

Importing Alcohol for a Commercial purpose?

Why not see if we can help with paying the excise duty to UK Customs

Importing Beer

When importing Beer into the UK, there are several things which you need to consider. Not all or perhaps any may relate to you, but as they could, it is important to familiarise yourself with them.
These are as follows:

Small Brewery Relief (SBR)
The annual output of the brewery which has produced the beer is very important. A majority of the most well known brands will have been mass produced, and therefore, the Small Brewery Relief (SBR) will not be relevant.

If, however, the brewery produces less than 60,000 Hectolitres of beer in a year, then you should be paying a reduced rate of excise duty. Contact our Imports Team for more information on this and to get a calculation for the excise duty due.

High Strength Surcharge
If the beer you are importing has a strength (#33 / ABV) exceeding 7.5#33 then you will also be liable to pay a ‘High-Strength’ surcharge. Contact our Imports Team for more information on this and to get a calculation for the excise duty due.
Further Information
For further information on the subject of ‘Beer Duty’, then please read the following Public Notice from UK Customs:
Beer Duty
If you need assistance with importing alcohol, then please contact our Imports Team to see how we can help.

Alcohol from outside the U.K.

Importing Alcohol for a Commercial purpose?

Why not see if we can help with paying the excise duty to UK Customs

UK Import Services Limited
Global Shipping and UK Customs Broker

PO Box 832
United Kingdom

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